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Helpful Information About a Death
A Step-by-step guide on what to do when someone dies
Useful contacts:
Registry office:
Southfield Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 2TR
T: 0116 305 6509
Leicester County Council:
Wills, Probate & Inheritance
Citizens Advice:
70 Wood Gate, Loughborough, LE11 2XB
T: 0344 411 1444
Our thoughts and sympathies are with you at this difficult time. This page is designed to give you practical advice on certain things which need to be done.
Obtain a ‘Medical Certificate of Cause of Death’
You need to contact the family doctor when someone dies at home. If the death was expected, the doctor will email a ‘Medical Certificate of Cause of Death’ to the registrar who will then contact you.
If someone dies in hospital, then the hospital will issue a ‘Medical Certificate of Cause of Death’ and formal notice.
If someone dies in a care home or nursing home, the ‘Medical Certificate of Cause of Death’ will be emailed to the registrar by the GP. The registrar will then contact you.
Sometimes the doctor cannot issue a certificate and may need to refer to a coroner. (See 3. Arranging a funeral)
1. Registering a death
You will need to register the death with the registrar of births, marriages and deaths for the district where the death occurred within 5 days. Book an appointment with any Leicestershire County Council registration office on 0116 305 6509. For more information visit:
The registrar will need:
The registrar will give you a certified copy of the death certificate and will also give the family a green copy to give to the funeral director. If the deceased is to be buried this is the only paperwork needed.
It is advisable to request multiple copies which can be given to the bank/ building societies and other agencies that will need to be informed. (This may incur a small administration fee)
For more information, visit the Leicestershire County Council website.
2. Cremation
If a cremation is to take place, there are additional forms to be completed by doctors and then given to the funeral directors. These forms are in in two parts:
Part 1 – The doctor who completes the ‘Medical Certificate of Cause of Death’ fills in the first part.
Part 2 – Another doctor who has not been involved in the care of the deceased fills in the second part. This doctor has to speak to the first doctor and may also need to speak to a member of the family.
3. Arranging a funeral
Before arranging the funeral:
Check that you will be able to collect the ‘Medical Certificate and Cause of Death’ before arranging the funeral date. This is because sometimes it is necessary for the Coroner, or on rare occasions the police, to become involved and may delay the release of the ‘Medical Certificate of Cause of Death’.
A post-mortem examination may then be required if the deceased died unexpectedly or in unusual circumstances, or if they had not recently consulted a doctor.
Check whether the deceased person has paid in to a life insurance policy or pension scheme that provides a lump sum towards the funeral costs, or into a funeral plan that has already prepaid the costs.
Most people use a funeral director, though you can arrange the funeral yourself. To arrange the funeral yourself, you need to contact the Cemeteries and Cremation Department of your local council – Leicestershire County Council.
Before finalising the funeral arrangements, you should find out if the deceased made a Will and consult the solicitors who hold it to see what the deceased’s wishes are. The Will should also disclose the name(s) of the executors or persons legally entitled to deal with the deceased’s estate. The solicitors will assist you with the administration of the estate and any questions relating to tax issues that may arise. (Please be aware solicitors’ advice incurs a cost)
4. Use the ‘Tell us Once’ service
The ‘Tell us Once’ is used to contact several government departments in one go. You can access the service online or via the phone. The departments that will be contacted in one go include:
These services should contact you about tax, benefits and entitlements of the person who died.
For this service and more information go to:
Other people who may need to be informed:
5. Financial help
If you receive certain Social Service Benefits (e.g. Income support, housing benefit and others) you can apply to the Social Fund for help to pay for funeral costs.
You will need to complete an application form SF200. This is available from your local Job Centre Plus or by download from their website
Bereavement Support
There are many organisations that offer support to people who have suffered bereavement. This could be counselling, information and advice or practical support. If you or someone you know might benefit from support, one of the following organisations may be able to help
T: 0808 808 1677
T: 0116 2700 007 (local call charges apply)
National telephone: 116 123 (this number is free to call)
T: 0345 123 2304
Useful things to consider before death
Organ Donors registration
To register call 0300 123 23 23 or register online at
Power of attorney
It’s not easy to think about a time when you won’t be able to make your own decisions, but it can help to be prepared. For further information go to
Things to discuss with close family or a loved one
Consider sharing the following information should they need it: