Pinfold Medical Practice

Pinfold Gate, Loughborough, LE11 1DQ

Telephone: 01509 220960

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Infection Control

Pinfold Medical Practice is committed to the control of infection within the building and in relation to the clinical procedures carried out within it e.g. surgery/ examination/ isolation of infective illnesses.

The practice will undertake to maintain the premises, equipment, drugs and procedures and will undertake to provide facilities and the financial resources to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to reduce or remove all infection risk e.g. lead by example/ training/ audit/ review/ refer to infectious diseases where applicable and regularly remind staff of their personal responsibility and need for diligence.

The practice cleaning framework shows, wherever possible or practicable, the practice will seek to use washable or disposable materials for items such as soft furnishings and consumables, (e.g. seating materials, wall coverings including paint, bedding, couch rolls, modesty sheets, bed curtains and floor coverings) and review appropriateness via regular audit.

Cleaning Framework 2022