Pinfold Medical Practice

Pinfold Gate, Loughborough, LE11 1DQ

Telephone: 01509 220960

Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111

Rights and Responsibilities/ Patients’ Charter

Click here to read the Patients’ Charter

Rights and Responsibilities

You have the right to:

  • Register and receive treatment regardless of your sex, age, disability, race or income providing you live within the practice area.
  • Consult with a GP within 24 hours for urgent medical problems.
  • Access the out-of-hours service when the practice is closed.
  • Be treated with courtesy and respect.
  • Have your treatment explained to you.
  • Receive information on any medical trials.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Refuse to be involved in any medical trials.
  • Gain access to an interpreter.
  • Complain, without discrimination, if there is a problem.
  • Have a relative or friend with you (except in extreme cases when specifically asked not to).

You are responsible for:

  • Making and keeping appointment – If unable to attend you must notify the surgery.
  • Telephoning before 11:00am for home visit requests wherever possible.
  • Not telephoning before 10:00am unless you wish to book an appointment with a doctor or arrange a home visit.
  • Treating all primary care team members with courtesy and respect.
  • Ordering repeat prescriptions giving 48 hours’ notice for processing (excluding weekends and Bank Holidays).
  • Behaving in an acceptable manner and keeping children in your care under control.
  • Switching off mobile phones whilst on surgery premises.
  • Informing the practice of any change of name, address or telephone number.